home > town government > government > town's budgets and audits
Fiscal Year (FY) or Budget Dates are July 1 - June 30 of each year
Audits occur during the fall of each year and are for the previous fiscal year.
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The budget cycle kicks off in January of each year at the department level for individual department expenses and capital improvements request, then to the Finance Officer for revenues and expenses, and next, to the Budget Officer (which is our Town Manager).
In April of each year, budget staff reviews are held.
Then, in May of each year the Budget Officer presents a proposed or estimated budget to the Town Council with an opening statement called the Budget Message that is correct at that moment in time; however, Town Council makes many changes to the budget after the Budget Message is presented through work session(s) each year. In the documents after the Budget Message, you will see the department's request, the manager's request, and the adopted budget amounts. The difference in the budget dollars is the Proposed Budget (Budget Message) versus Actual Budget (Adopted Budget).
The budget is adopted in June of each year with the Budget Ordinance. By law, the budget must be in place by July 1 of each year.