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Town's vendor forms, W-9, and Title VI forms must be completed and returned to Accounts Payable prior to ordering, shipping, and performing services.
The Town of Wilkesboro encourages and solicits your business. We eagerly await your participation in our endeavor to supply the Town with the "best possible products and services at the best possible prices." The Town Department Heads procure their own purchases and maintains a list of supplies and services procured by his/her departments.
Local Government Purchasing and Contracting Legislative Updates
Original 2013 NC Legislation - H786/Session Law 2013-418 - clarify which employers are subject to NC's E-Verify laws.
For more information on federal E-Verify laws, e-verify.
For a list of E-verify FAQs from the UNC School of Government, click here.
Effective July 1, 2009, the State of NC passed G.S. 143-128.4 and 143.48.4, which requires all Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB)/MWBE to register through the NC HUB Office for HUB/MWBE Certification in order to be considered a HUB/MWBE locally. The State's goal is 10% of all bids should be a HUB/MWBE firms that are registered with the State HUB Office.
These firms must be 51% owned, operated, and controlled and the HUB/MWBE Categories include the following:
Minority (Black, Hispanic, Asian American, American Indian) Female Owned
Disabled Owner (Owner with a Disability)
Disadvantaged (Socially and Economically)
All invoices should be invoiced and remitted to the “Town of Wilkesboro, Attn: Accounts Payable, PO Box 1056, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.” Please do not send original invoices with deliveries. We accept invoices via mail, fax, or email.
The Accounts Payable contact is Mia Brown, Tel: 336-838-3951 X 1003, Fax: 336-838-7616 or email: mbrown@wilkesboronc.org.
We request that your company establish a SINGLE account for the Town as a whole, i.e., no individual accounts by town department or division. The department information should be in the SHIP TO section. If no ship to the section on the invoice(s), indicate which department or employee’s first and last name in the body of the invoice.
All invoices should contain company name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and all items itemized. If the items are not stated by type (i.e. materials, labor, freight, surcharges, taxes, etc.), the invoice will not be processed for payment. Your company will be responsible for contacting us regarding payment. If a contracted price is agreed upon, please attached a copy of the contract to the invoice.
We will gladly accept handwritten invoices if all invoices are legibly written and contain a company heading. If invoices are not legible, we will ask your company to provide a legibly written copy before the payment can be processed.
The Town of Wilkesboro uses Purchase Orders numbers (PO #) for ALL payments. Please make sure the PO # is printed clearly on all invoices, packing lists, packages, statements, shipping notices, and any other written correspondence. We are not responsible for any goods delivered without a PO #. (Examples: for the fiscal year July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024, starts with 24-00001, July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025, starts with 25-00001, and so on.)
If an invoice is received without a PO #, your invoice will not be processed until a PO # is obtained by the seller. The seller shall contact the employee placing order or Department Head for a PO # before mailing the invoice.
Each invoice shall use one PO # only. Invoices will be returned for revising if it contains more than one PO #.
Partial deliveries must be indicated on the invoice. Once a PO # is closed, it cannot be re-opened.
The Town of Wilkesboro requests that all deliveries be shipped FOB Destination/Prepaid and freight added to the invoice. Please do not invoice freight separately from goods or services.
If purchasing contracts are necessary, please contact the appropriate Department Director or Superintendent for these contract negotiations. Please note that the Town Manager has the final approval on all contracts. Any contracts over $5,000, Town Council approval is needed, and these take place during their monthly board meetings. A schedule of the Town Council meetings can be found at https://wilkesboronc.org/meeting-schedule.
The Town of Wilkesboro pays North Carolina sales and use tax. When applicable. these taxes should be stated on your invoice on a separate line from other goods and services. All NC sales tax should be charged to the county where delivery takes place. We are in Wilkes County and our current tax rate is 7.0%.
If you are classified as a contractor and report your sales and use tax directly to NC Dept of Revenue, the contractor/vendor invoices are not required to have the sales and use tax stated on a separate line of the invoice. However, your company is required to certify the sales tax has been paid on the Town contract by completing the Sales and Use Tax Reporting Form for each invoice, that is located inside the vendor packet. For more information, please see https://files.nc.gov/ncdor/documents/files/sd-18-1_0.pdf. The contractor/vendor shall indemnify and save harmless the Town from any damages, costs, fees, expenses, or penalties on account of such taxes. The Town of Wilkesboro will only make a payment to the contractor/vendor when this affidavit is completed and returned to us.
The Town of Wilkesboro’s payment terms is NET 30 DAYS from the date of Invoice. Payment for goods or services cannot be made from statements or packing lists.
E-Verify Requirements - As a condition for payment under this purchase order, Vendor shall: (i) comply with N.C. G.S. 64-25 and (ii) cause each subcontractor hereunder to comply with such requirements.
The vendor will indemnify and save harmless the Town from all losses, damages, fees, costs, expenses, fines, and other liabilities resulting from any failure by the vendor or any subcontractor to comply with the E-Verify requirements NC G.S. 143-133.3.
Iran Divestment Act - Contractor hereby certifies that the contractor, and all subcontractors, are not on the Iran Final Divestment List (“List”) created by the NC State Treasurer pursuant to NC G.S.147-86.55-69. The contractor shall not utilize any subcontractor that is identified on the List.
Divestment from Companies that Boycott Israel - Contractor certifies that (a) it is not identified on the Israel Boycott List or any other list created by the NC State Treasurer pursuant to NC G.S. 147-86.80 et al, and (b) it will not take any action causing it to appear on any such list during the term of the Contract Agreement.
Federal Monies, Federal Grants, or FEMA Related Purchases – All purchases or services that are the result of a declared disaster or federal money must be approved by Town Manager prior to fulfillment to ensure Uniform Guidance is being followed correctly. Links are available below.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 - "no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." Town's Title VI policy.
The State of NC has registered bidder lists with several state agencies below. The Town of Wilkesboro uses current vendors from these lists. Please consider registering with as many of these lists as possible to help expand your business to other regions of the state.
UNC - School of Government for NC Local Government Purchasing & Contracting
Lookup federal debarred businesses
NC Office for Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB) - HUB certification is required by state and all local governments.
UNC - School of Government for HUB Resources
NC Dept of Transportation DBE Program - certification is required by NC DOT and is different from NC HUB certification.
NC Division of Purchase and Contract
NC Interactive Purchasing System
NC Industrial Commission - Worker's Commissions Insurance
UNC - School of Government for Uniform Guidance (Federal Funds)
Uniform Guidance - the full text of 2 CFR Part 200