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The Accounts Payable department is responsible for the payment of all Town of Wilkesboro obligations/debts. The Town's fiscal year is July 1 through June 30. As the payer of Town's obligations, it is our goal to make payments to vendors in a timely and efficient manner. The invoice submission deadline is every Friday at 5:00 pm for the following week's check processing but are paid at our standard terms of net 30 days. The Town of Wilkesboro pays N.C. sales and use tax. Our town is located in Wilkes County and our NC sales tax rate is 7%.
All invoices and payment inquiries should be sent to Mia Brown, email mbrown@wilkesboronc.org, fax 336-838-7616 or address: Attn: Accounts Payable, PO Box 1056, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
All vendor forms and updated addresses should be sent to Kimberly White, email kwhite@wilkesboronc.org, or address: Attn: Kimberly White, PO Box 1056, Wilkesboro, NC 28697
All certificates of insurance should be sent to Donna R. Rhodes, email drrhodes@wilkesboronc.org,fax 336-838-7616 or address: Attn: COI, PO Box 1056, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
*No work shall be started until all steps are completed and forms turned into the Finance Dept.*
Accounts Payable Forms:
Vendor Forms Packet - required
W-9 Form - required
Federal ARP - Non-discrimination Policy - Feb 2023
Sales and Use Tax Bulletins (SUTB) - Real property contracts and forms
It is the liability of a real property contractor, a retailer-contractor, a subcontractor, a lessee, or an owner who did not purchase the item is satisfied by receipt of NC Sales Tax Affidavit (below) from the purchaser. More information about the subject can be found by visiting NC DOR SUTB 72 and NC DOR SUTB 74. Real property is mentioned throughout the entire document.
Forms required for Real Property Contracts:
- E-589CI Affidavit of Capital Improvement - for real property improvements. The affidavit is to be completed by the real property contractor, NC DOR SUTB 72. The receipt of this E-589CI affidavit of capital improvement for services to real property, establishes that the subcontractor or other person receiving the affidavit should treat the transaction as a real property contract for N.C. sales and use tax purposes. A real property contract is a contract between a real property contractor and another person to perform a capital improvement to real property. Instructions are attached for which party needs to sign the form. Form E-589CI is not an affidavit certifying the tax has been paid on items that become a part of real property in this State.
NC Sales Tax Affidavit - REQUIRED for real property improvements. This form is the form/affidavit certifying the N.C. sales tax has been paid on items that become a part of real property in this State, NC DOR SUTB 3-3D and NC DOR SUTB 72-8 (starts on last paragraph). Form E-589CI is not an affidavit certifying the tax has been paid on items that become a part of real property in this State. A separate affidavit and invoices must be received from the purchaser of the item certifying the tax has been paid on Real Property.