We use outside software to house our Agendas and Minutes called ImageSilo.
Please print this page for the instructions that are listed below.
1. An image is listed below with login information and this login information must be entered to grant access.
ImageSilo Login Information:
The entity Id is 8384
The user name is user
The password is user
The software can be assessed by clicking here and will appear in the user's internet browser.
2. Press the Login button when user information is entered. Another screen will open with a menu on the left.
3. Click on the Downloads button on the left menu.
4. Press the Install Now button for the ImageSilo Web Assistant application. Once the application is installed, continue to the next step.
5. Click on the Available Projects button on the left menu. The user will see the folders, Agendas & Minutes of the Board of Commissioners and Town Council. The governing body changed their name in July 2004 from the Board of Commissioners to Town Council; therefore, minutes after July 2004 are listed in the Minutes of the Town Council folder.
6. Click on the agenda or minutes folder and he/she will search in this folder only. The search screen is below. The user has search options by date(s) or keyword(s). If the user leaves the search options empty, he/she will get all documents filtered by dates. Look at the top center for the arrows for more documents.
HINT: Be sure to use the Clear Criteria button before entering information for the next search.
7. Press the Search button. Another screen will appear with the search results. These results will be by dates or something that looks like this, see below. Don't worry, you have not done anything wrong. It is how keyword searches display. This screen list the date and the first page of text, which is our title page.
8. Double click on a search item whether it is a date or full-text search results. The document will open in a new internet screen/tab with the menu below.
9. For further help to search a document, hover the cursor over the options at top of the document page for more detail. Greyed out buttons are disabled and cannot be used for the task you are attempting.